Environmental Impact Assessments
Riverside Business Park 2012 Rotherham Biomass Plant 2013 Sevenoaks School 2014
SEVENOAKS SCHOOL Location: Sevenoaks Client: Kent County Council As part of our appointment to develop landscape strategy for the proposed development of two schools on a site in Sevenoaks, including the development of sports facilities, external learning spaces and legible entrance routes, we undertook a detailed visual assessment of the proposals to accompany the planning submission to Kent County Council . The proposed development is located in Sevenoaks, Kent, on the Knole East site on Seal Hollow Road, popularly known as ‘Wildernesse’. The site lies within the local landscape character area of Seal Chart, and remains just outside of the open countryside of the Kent Downs AONB boundary which lies closest to the north east corner of the site. The close proximity of the site to the Kent Downs AONB makes the condition of the site’s landscape character particularly sensitive and thus conservation and enhancement of the distinctive character of the site needed careful consideration. The scheme received planning permission in July 2014.

Dally Henderson  :  Landscape Design  :  Planning  :  Urban Design

07579 219534 / 07961 454319

